New Course: Starting Sunday, February 28, 2021!
Mastering Conscious Abundance | Living Every Day with a Full Heart
Unlike any other abundance course, you have taken before, we’ll dissect the theory that what you put out into the world is what you get out of life and we’ll go deeper. Why does it work sometimes and others not? What is there to learn, not so much about the universe but ourselves? In this Mastering Conscious Abundance course, you will gain insight into your authentic self, the ruminations of the mind and gain the power to foster change, stay the course living life with more grace and ease every day.
As you clear blocks in your life you’ll begin to feel a natural flow exists in your soul’s being, where even bad days are good, and abundance surrounds you.
Week 1 What is Conscious Abundance & How do we Achieve It?
Week 2 Fears
Just that, what do you fear most in life. What is holding you back? Fear is a powerful emotion able to keep us from achieving our goals and living our best lives. It feeds stagnation and keeps us from taking advantage of opportunities. Many people are living in the self-made prisons of their own fears.
Week 3 Negative Beliefs
Week 4 Self-Esteem
Week 5 Taking Stock, Reflecting How Far You Have Come
Week 6 When Life is Easy
Week 7 Wants & Desires
Week 8 Life in Action
Let’s brainstorm a plan. Take stock of the past weeks and let’s review. What is standing in your way? Have you been able to implement new ways-of-thinking and stick with it? It won’t be easy. Breaking with old habits is tough, and we won’t get it perfect the first time nor the fiftieth. What does life look like moving forward and how does conscious abundance fit in?
Week 9 Mindset & Energy
Week 10 Arms Wide Open Ready to Receive
- 10 hours of revolutionizing content that takes a multi-media approach to help you identify your fears and beliefs that are holding you back from receiving more, achieving more and being more. Learn to value yourself and validate your ambitions knowing the possibilities in life are endless.
- Guided meditations to help you connect deeply with your inner self and establish positive change and an abundant mindset.
- An opportunity to live the life of your dreams.