Course Begins the Week of March 01, 2021

Breaking With Conformity & Reprogramming Your Mindset

Are you your biggest critic?
Are you exhausting yourself trying to get ahead?
Is the comparison game only ever bringing you down?
Are you impatient, wanting immediate gratification?
Are your belief systems outdated, no longer resonating and supporting who you want to become?

I left the United States in my late 20’s to live abroad, to find more balance in my life and to discover joy in my existence. Yet, when I found myself talking with girlfriends, fellow American expats living in Spain about the stress I was facing, I found out I wasn’t the only one struggling.  We were all battling some engrained expectation of who we were meant to be that was clearly not defined by us, but rather by the conditioning we had received growing up. You see, we all are shaped to believe that in order to be considered a “success” x, y, and z have to be attained by such and such milestone and if we do not meet these mile markers, we devalue our efforts and ultimately our worth. We, my friends and I, obviously charted a new adventure living in a foreign land but weren’t able to shake the expectations that hung over our heads. This American “Dream” of success festered in our minds, like a carrot dangling only ever out of arms reach.

Europe was meant to be that escape, freeing me from the sentiment “keeping up with the Jones’s,” however, my earlier childhood habituation had followed me across the Atlantic and was the cause to much internal discord. This awareness, these conversations made me realize I had to address the toxic values and beliefs that no longer resonated with who I was becoming and propelled me to foster a new way of being.

In this course, we’ll dive deep into the habits and beliefs that have been long- rooted in our psyche, conditioning that no longer serves a purpose to propel us forward in a positive direction.

  • Identify the values and beliefs that are hindering you from growing.
  • Release the fear and anxiety that these beliefs hold.
  • Practice the techniques I use to foster new ways-of-being more in line with your true nature and who you want to become.

The transformations you will experience will feel as though you are shedding layers of stuck energy, or toxic conditioning that will be incredibly liberating.

You’ll be able to truly show up for life and feel whole, honoring your wants, desires, and aspirations for success. 

Week 1 The Constant Hustle

“Encourage a State of Being Rather than Doing” Give Yourself Permission

Let’s dispel the thought that idleness is laziness, that where we are, if we are happy and/or satisfied, is still not good enough by our and/or others’ standards. Sometimes we need to slowdown, to reevaluate, to pivot, to gain better understanding before we roar on ahead. Life, whether we like it or not, is full of ebbs and flows. How do you cope with those periods of inaction, or redirection whether self-imposed or not? This first week we will work on slowing down in our activities in order to be. What is this “being?” Maybe you are wondering? It is the grounding sensation that you feel, happy, safe and satisfied, doing nothing.

Week 2 Comparisons & Judgements

Why Curiosity Should Prevail

Hello social media, our office space, neighbors or siblings. It is human nature that we come to assumptions about the world around us without seeing the greater picture of a situation, a person’s character or ourselves.  We often get caught believing the fragment of information as the truth or untruth we tell ourselves. Our outer perception of reality is a reflection of our inner world. In this module, we’ll delve into different scenarios of comparison within ourselves and others and foster a position of openness, curiosity, and inquiry.

Week 3 Fear of Missing Out & Fostering Personal Acceptance
In this week we will take a look where our energy lies. Building on last week’s theme, that we do not have to say “yes” to everything. While the acronym FOMO has become common nomenclature, it is a social pressure we have conditioned ourselves to experience. This is especially true of younger generations. Let’s step back and evaluate if burning the candle at both ends, trying to be everything to everyone, everywhere all of the time is getting us closer to our aspirations or if there is a more objective approach we can take to filling our agendas.
Week 4 Speed Does Not Equate Success

Quick Returns & Why Patience is a Better Investment

The overused saying nothing in life that is meant to last or is worth having is easily attained. Think about it this way. Set your goal or dream atop a mountain peak. Before we set out for the assent, we must prepare for obstacles and challenges that may get in the way, understanding nature is unpredictable and that though we prepared, that may not be good enough. As much as we see the way, there will always be unforeseen rocks and pitfalls we will encounter. If you ascend easily, maybe the dream was not big enough and the view from your mountain was okay, but it could be much more remarkable if only you rose to a higher vantage point. It’s okay to climb to the top of one mountain and return to the valley, regroup and take off again. This example is meant to demonstrate that in life we will surmount certain easy, attainable intentions, but they may not be purposeful, fulfilling or frankly enough. We are on a journey and need to treat it as such. The destination may only be fleeting leading you onward and upward. 

Week 5 Life Is Impermanent & Meant to be Enjoyed In-the-NOW

It may sound dramatic, but tomorrow is not guaranteed. In the same light, tomorrow may not look like today and that is a good thing. The impermanence of life in hard times reminds us not to fret that this time next year we can be living an entirely different reality. From a mindfulness perspective being present in the moment will increase your appreciation and relaxation in them, as opposed to anxiety or depression if your mind is focused elsewhere in time.

Week 6 Success is Subjective

The American Dream Is Up to Your Interpretation

We are conditioned to believe from childhood in some idealized notion of success. Whether it is from your parents’, grandparents’ siblings, teachers’ or members of the community from whence you grew up, success was measured by someone else and you bought into that perception. From our early childhood condition, not only as it pertains to success, but our view on life, what still feels true to you? Have your values and beliefs over time changed? Are they conflicting with how you were raised? Do you find that your current way of life is at odds with your belief systems and are in disharmony? As we transition into adulthood, becoming independent it is okay to shed those perceived “truths” about how life should be lived and the expectations we place on ourselves to fit into a certain box. The American Dream has transformed in my opinion. It can be interpreted differently based on generational measures, socio-economic situations, ethnicity, race, religion…you get the idea. One’s idea of the American dream may be different to someone else, and that is what makes being an American so great. We need to remind ourselves of our individuality and while our past has laid the foundation on which we have wisdom and a place to come from it does our chart our way forward. We can define and redefine our metrics again and again. Break with past belief systems and chart your own path.

  • 6 hours of transformational content that will help you identify your habits and beliefs systems that no longer resonate, foster the tools to create change, and put into practice this new way of being.
  • Guided meditations to help you connect deeply with your inner self and heal from past conditioning and set in place positive change.
  • An opportunity to recreate your life more in line with who you want to become, living with grace, ease and satisfaction.

This course is 100{44dc0c56ebeaa52d6120da8c8e3df238387b37f769ccf6f02152377d0f3124ec} digital. Content will be emailed to you. Group calls will be scheduled every Monday at 8 pm EST covering the week’s theme. If you cannot attend or want to tune in again, a recorded session will be sent to you after the call and can be listened to in the comfort of your own home.

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“This was a great course; I learned a lot about myself and was challenged to think outside of the box. Emily is fabulous at facilitating and meditation at the end of each session was incredible. Can’t wait for the next course! I will be signing up!!”

Joan K, Santa Barbara, CA.

“I cried for reasons unknown this course really made me think.”


“This course was inspirational, and Emily is fabulous at helping you understand the material, which is very straight forward. I especially liked how we did meditation about the subject that session. It really opened your mind up to new possibilities and to be open to what she was talking about. The subject mindset was great because this is something, I believe we all can work on. I looked forward to Monday night. Totally Amazing Course!!! I would highly recommend to everyone.”

Diane F. Victor IA